23rd May

Cost Data: Differences between the Imperial and Metric Knowledgebases

Cost Data: Differences between the Imperial and Metric Knowledgebases

To maximize the accuracy of your cost estimates, you are heavily dependent on your cost data. Based on where you are located or where you conduct business, you might need to use the imperial or metric system for your cost data.

However, maintaining and adding cost data is a continuous process, and doing this for all possible locations around the world is time-consuming. Therefore, having a well-structured and customized dataset makes your life as a cost estimator much easier. Consistent use of structured and indexed cost data allows for comparison, benchmarking, and performance tracking throughout the project’s lifecycle and between projects in your portfolio.

CESK Data supporting the imperial system

To improve the financial performance of your project, CESK Data offers you a vast array of information, used by companies worldwide. The included cost data like materials, equipment, labor rates, and productivity are an industry standard and cover a wide range of disciplines for various industries. As an effort to support the organizations in America, recently, CESK Data has been updated by the imperial system, which allows you to choose between the Imperial Knowledgebase and the Metric Knowledgebase based on your needs.

Let’s have a look at the 3 main differences between the Imperial and the Metric Knowledgebases:

1. Units of measurement

There are two main systems for measuring distances and weight, the imperial system of measurement and the metric system of measurement. In the Imperial Knowledgebase, all constants and measures are based on the imperial units. Whereas most countries use the metric system which includes measuring units of meters and grams, in the United States, the imperial system is used where things are measured in feet, inches, and pounds.

2. Cable specifications

Cable specifications differ from each other in the Imperial and Metric Knowledgebases. In the Imperial Knowledgebase, the American Wire Gauge (AWG) system is used to specify the conductor sizes. The AWG is a standardized wire gauge system used mainly in North America for the diameters of round, solid, nonferrous, and electrically conducting wire.

In Europe, wire sizes are expressed in cross-sectional area in mm², and also the number of strands of wires of a diameter is expressed in mm. In America, the most common system is to use the AWG numbering scheme where the numbers are applied not only to individual strands but also to equivalent size bunches of smaller strands.

3. Steel profiles

In an Imperial Knowledgebase, steel profiles are based on the American specifications which are called American Wide Flange Steel Beams. 


Looking at the differences between the knowledge bases, we can conclude that choosing the knowledge base with the right system would help you save time and money. More importantly, it would increase the accuracy of your estimates.

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